Thursday, 17 April 2025
From 7.30 pmuntil approximately 9.30 pm
Liszt Academy,
HUF 8,900 / HUF 6,900 / HUF 5,900 / HUF 4,900
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Ferencsik season ticket 5

François Leleux conductor

WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART: Symphony No. 31 in D major, K. 297 (“Paris”)
FRANZ KROMMER: Concertino for Flute, Oboe and Orchestra in C major, Op. 65
JOHANN NEPOMUK HUMMEL: Introduction, theme et variations, Op. 102
JOSEPH HAYDN: Symphony No. 82 in C major (“Bear”), Hob. I:82

Anita Szabó flute
Béla Horváth oboe
Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra

Conductor and featuring on oboe: François Leleux

The world-class French oboist and conductor François Leleux is a frequent guest of the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra and one of the finest oboe players in the world. He was appointed principal oboist for the Paris Opera at the age of 18, before later becoming a soloist for the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra and the Chamber Orchestra of Europe. He is a member of the wind quintet Les Vents Français, who have performed in Hungary on several occasions. For his latest appearance, he will conduct the Viennese Classic works of Mozart, Krommer and Haydn alongside two members of the orchestra, the flautist Anita Szabó and oboist Béla, for Krommer’s Concertino – although he will also take the stage as a soloist himself in the second half of the show for Hummel’s work Introduction, theme et variations.

François Leleux is both one of the finest oboe players in the world and an outstanding conductor. In recent years, he has often ‘returned home’ to the Hungarian Philharmonic Orchestra: his concerts are always met with enthusiastic acclaim and always result in invitations to return. His career began at a young age: he became principal oboist for the Paris Opera at the age of 18, and has also performed as a soloist for the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra and the Chamber Orchestra of Europe. His records have been warmly received by critics, while he also regularly displays his chamber music talents with his wind quintet Les Vents Français, which has also toured Hungary. Here, while the Viennese Classics will take centre stage, the concert will offer an unusual programme. Between one work each from the greats, Mozart and Hadyn (the Paris and Bear symphonies), we will also enjoy the performance of string concertos from their German-speaking contemporaries, Franz Krommer and Johann Nepomuk Hummel. From the former, we will hear Concertino in C major, composed for the flute and oboe, while Hummel’s work will feature two members of the orchestra, the flautist Anita Szabó and oboist Béla Horváth. The final composition, Introduction, theme et variations, will be interpreted by the evening’s star turn, François Leleux.

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