Ravel The Child and the Enchantment
Sunday, 12 March 2017
From 15.00 - 17.00
Müpa – Festival Theater,
1.600 Ft
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Ravel The Child and the Enchantment

Mesés zenék - családi matiné délután

Ravel A gyermek és a varázslatok, avagy rendezzünk zenés mesét

Czabán Angelika  a Gyermek

Lehőcz Andrea Mama/ a Kínai teás csésze

Széll Cecília a Tűz, a Hercegnő, a Csalogány

Gavodi Zoltán a Teáskanna/az Apó/a Béka

Lisztes László az  Óra/a Kandúr

Szathmáry Judit a Lány cica/a Pásztorfiú/a Mókus

Károly Edit a Pásztorlány/a Denevér

Puskás Eszter a Fotel/a Szitakötő

Mokán László a Karosszék/a Fa

Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar

Nemzeti Énekkar (karigazgató: Somos Csaba)



ANTAL MÁTYÁS karmester



a Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar és a Nemzeti Énekkar művészei
Mátyás Antal conductor

This concerts takes the audiences on a special adventure. Put the director’s glass hat on your head, think up a magic spell, touch the object in front of you, and believe us, it will come to life. All you need to do is listen to the music, because the composer has set a few rules, but following his ideas through, adding to them and staging them is arguably one of the greatest challenges in the world. The story might be familiar. A bored little boy refuses to write his homework. His mother scolds him and locks him in his room till supper. (The work was written in the 1920s when parents were stricter.) The little boy goes on the rampage, not sparing walls, fireplace, furniture or books. He is very surprised, however, when his “victims” come to life and plot against him. The charming story reveals how the wildling is transformed into a loving little boy.

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