Beethoven in the Park – 2024
Saturday, 20 July 2024
From 7.00 pmuntil approximately 8.40 pm
Park of the Brunszvik Castle,
HUF 5,900, HUF 4,900, HUF 3,900
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Beethoven in the Park – 2024

The Hungarian National Philharmonic concert series in Martonvásár

Erdélyi Dániel conductor

Rain date: Sunday, 21 July)


Symphony No. 2 in D major, Op. 36
Ah! Perfido – concert aria, Op. 65
Symphony No. 7 in A major, Op. 92

Réka Kristó soprano
Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra

Conductor: Dániel Erdélyi

The concert aria Ah! Perfido (1796) originates from the start of Beethoven’s career. He wrote the dramatic scena for the famed soprano Josepha Duschek during his stay in Prague. The work is tied to the earlier stylistic phase of Viennese Classicism. The work’s lyricist, Pietro Metastasio (1698–1782), was the creator of countless Baroque opera librettos, and undoubtedly represents the past in the context of young Beethoven’s early attempts. The two orchestral pieces that frame the programme see two contrasting phases of Beethoven’s development in the symphonic genre come face to face. Symphony No. 2 (1801–02) is full of a lust for life, jovial playfulness and humour – the piece’s optimistic mood and revitalised energetic character provide a thrilling contrast to the fact that the symphony’s composition coincided with the writing of the Heiligenstadt Testament. In this tragically toned work that nonetheless reflects a profound humanism, the composer confronts the nightmare of irreversible deafness. A decade later, Symphony No. 7 (1811–12) surrenders to the beat of ancient dactylic rhythms, singing the cult of movement in a celebratory tone full of Dionysian rapture. No wonder Wagner described the piece as “the apotheosis of dance”. Just like Symphony No. 2, this work radiates energy – just in a far more elemental manner. Born in Komárom, Réka Kristóf completed her studies at the opera department of Munich’s Bavarian Theatre Academy August Everding. Taking the top spot in the 2017 Virtuózok television talent search programme earned her a trip to Carnegie Hall as one of her prizes. Dániel Erdélyi (b. 1988) represents the younger generation and will conduct the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra, which was founded in 1923. Erdélyi was trained at the Liszt Academy and is a conductor at the Hungarian State Opera and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics Orchestra. He is an organist as well and the founding choirmaster of the Central Calvinist Choir.

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