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Beethoven Evenings

2014. 06. 17.

The first concert was held in the garden of the Brunszvik Manor House, Martonvásár in 1958 when the Beethoven Museum opened its gates and Beethoven’s bust, János Pásztor’s work, was inaugurated. Since 1960 in the summer the Hungarian National Philharmonic has been giving concerts devoted to the great composer.

The venue of the concerts, the island surrounded by the pond in the garden of Count Brunszvik’s manor house, was picked because, according to the records of that period, Beethoven – who were quite a close friend of the Brunszvik family, especially Ferenc Brunszvik, who was an talented cello player and Josefine Brunszvik who is thought to be the „Immortal Darling” to whom Beethoven wrote numerous love letters, which were only found after his death – spent a lot of time here.


The Romantic flavour of the manor house and the park provide a brilliant milieu for performing Beethoven’s works.


Detailed programme:



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