Hangját Stephan Czovekkel kezdte el képezni Los Angelesben, majd a Bartók Béla Zeneművészetei Konzervatóriumban illetve annak befejezése után a Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetemen tanult, illetve Hamari Júlia, Ralf Doring , Marton Éva, Yevgeni Nesterenko mester kurzusain vett részt. 2004-ben elnyerte a Cesare Bardelli díjat a Viotti Nemzetközi Énekversenyen és 2005-ben a Mária Callas grand Prix Verseny első díját Athénben.
Gábor Bretz was born in Budapest in 1974 where he still regularly performs with the Hungarian State Opera. He began his vocal training with Stephan Czovek in Los Angeles, and subsequently studied at the Béla Bartók Conservatory of Music and the Franz Liszt Academy of Music. Gábor has also attended master classes with Julia Hamari, Ralf Doring, Eva Marton and Yevgeni Nesterenko. He was awarded the Cesare Bardelli prize at the 2004 Viotti International Singing Competition, and was the winner of the 2005 Maria Callas Grand Prix Competition in Athens. In addition to his operatic appearances Gábor Bretz sings regularly in concert, and his repertoire includes the major oratorios of Bach, Haydn, Mozart (including the Coronation Mass under Helmut Rilling), Rossini, Puccini, Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9, Tippett’s A Child of our Time, Berlioz’s L’Enfance du Christ (under Sylvain Cambreling), and the Verdi Requiem in Budapest with the National Philharmonic under the baton of Zoltan Kocsis.