A budapesti Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetemen szerzett énekművészi, valamint operaénekesi diplomát Gulyás Dénes és Kovalik Balázs növendékeként. Ezt követően Augsburgban mesterdiplomát szerzett Prof. Dr. Edith Wiens osztályában.
Júlia Hajnóczy attended the singing and the opera faculty of the Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music as the student of Dénes Gulyás and Balázs Kovalik then she acquired her MA in Augsburg with leadership of Professor Dr- Edith Wiens. She is the winner of several singing competitions in Hungary and abroad. She appears as a soprano soloist of remarkable orchestras as well as in Festivals. In 2003 she received Gramofon award with Andrea Vigh and in 2004 the National Philharmonic Orchestra’s recording featuring the young soprano won the MIDEM classical music special award. In 2008/2009 she was the soloist of the theatre in Klagenfurt where she sang the main role in Humperdinck’s Jack and Jill. She debuted in the Hungarian National Opera as Marzelline in 2008. Her main roles include Pamina, Sophie, Susanne, Zerlina, Juliette, Adina, Euridice and Drusilla.