2000-óta tagja a Nemzeti Énekkar szopránszólamának, és számos koncerten közreműködött szólistaként. A 2006-2007-es, majd a 2018-2019-es évadban is elnyerte A Nemzeti Énekkar Legjobb Énekkari Művésze címet. „Hálás vagyok, hogy a Nemzeti Filharmonikusok együtteseiben is kaptam szólista felkéréseket, melyeknek híre továbbgyűrűzött az Operaházig” – nyilatkozta.
Cecília Széll began her vocal studies at the Zoltán Kodály Music College before graduating in 1996 from the singing, music and choir conducting faculty of ELTE University. Since 2000 she has been a member of the National Choir.
Oratorio enjoys pride of place in her repertoire, particularly those by baroque and classical composers but she is also a noted exponent of modern music. She has been involved in a number of premieres, such as György Orbán's Missa Tertia (2001), Michael Tippett: A Child Of Our Time (2005). She is also a resident soloist for orchestral services at the Matthias Church. Besides these activities, she is broadening her repertoire with lyric coloratura soprano roles.
She is a regular guest at international festivals and concerts, such as Salzburg, Vienna and Padua. She has participated in many CD recordings.